Friday, February 29, 2008
Spanish Class Blogs
The effect of this has been to make the students more excited, committed and serious about their writing and about Spanish. The blogging itself is helping the students to become familiar with what a blog is and provides them with ideas to pursue their own independent blogging for other purposes. It has become a tool for creating a Spanish community in CCV. In addition, their writings can be used by other educational institutions and encourage other students to study Spanish at CCV.
Click the links below to visit the Spanish class blogs:
EspaƱol en CCV Burlington
Mis Estudiantes CCV St. Albans
Submitted by: Mario Martinez, CCV Spanish Professor
Monday, February 25, 2008
Documentary Night
When: Thursday, March 6th from 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Who: Event is open to all CCV students and faculty. Bring a friend!
To read a full description of the film, please visit:
Winooski site forum for students and faculty
CCV students and factulty... we want (and need) to hear from you! There will be an open forum on Thursday, February 28th from 5pm – 7pm in Conference room 2A (2nd floor of the 119 Pearl Street building) to discuss our new facility to be built in Winooski. Your participation will help us design a new building that we can be proud of. Please RSVP to Dawn Tetrault by either calling 865-3043 or sending an email to We hope to see you there!
Some of the questions we will have for you:
1. When you think about space that is designed for students to use for study or meeting purposes outside of the classroom, how do you envision such spaces? One large space (apart from a library/learning center) or several smaller spaces located throughout a facility?
2. When you think of space for faculty uses: preparing for classes, grabbing a bite to eat, meeting with a student as you may need, should we be considering a centralized location for such spaces or several spaces throughout a facility? Should we have spaces assigned around curriculum-specific classrooms?
3. What are your thoughts about amenities or services that are important/beneficial to CCV constituents that should be near our new Winooski facility?
Student Success Week
Friday, February 22, 2008
Nominations sought for Student Graduation Speaker
Nominations may be made by students, instructors and/or staff, and must be received no later than March 7th. For instructions, download the Grad Speaker Nomination Info. Nominations can be submitted online by clicking here.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Greetings from Louisiana
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Green Space Forum
When? Wednesday, February 27 from 8:30 to 11:30 am
Where? Room LL7 of the 110 Cherry Street building.
Please join us. We want hear your concerns and your ideas! Please RSVP to Dawn Tetrault at (802) 865-3043 or
The CQ @ CCV
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Documentary Night
Where: Pearl Street, Room 100
Who: Event is open to all CCV students and faculty. Bring a friend!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Work-Study Job Openings
- welcome students,
- perform a variety of administrative tasks,
- answer phones, and
- provide general office support.
If you fit this description, apply today! To do so, complete an “Application for Work Study Position,” available in the Pearl Street Lobby or contact Julie Livingstone-Clarke ( or Marisa Brenk ( at 865-4422. If you have any questions about your eligibility, check your status with the CCV Burlington Financial Aid office (802-859-3023).
Monday, February 4, 2008
CCV Staff Art Work on Display
Each year, Art's Alive and Art Map Burlington invite artists to participate in this local tradition. It is an opportunity for the community to be exposed to local talent that has yet to appear on the radar and it is an opportunity for artists to show and introduce their work to the public.
The 2008 edition of First Fifty will be held at Art's Alive Gallery at Union Station (1 Main Street, Burlington) from February 1 - 29. For more information on this exhibit, visit
Washington D.C. Trip: Register today!
When: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 4, 5, and 6, 2008
How: We will fly round trip on Southwest Air out of MANCHESTER NH. When we arrive we will take the Express Metro service into the capitol. We will go directly to Hostelling International to check in. It is an ideal location for getting around and visiting the sites. That evening we will take the Old Town Trolley Tours Monuments by Moonlight tour.
Time: Friday, April 4, leave at 1:40 from MANCHESTER, NH AIRPORT and arrive at BWI at 3:05 pm. On Sunday, April 6, leave BWI at 4:35 pm and return to MANCHESTER AIRPORT at 5:55 pm.
Lodging: We will stay at Hostelling International–Washington, DC. Our rooms will be dormitory style, with shared bathrooms. Separate rooms for men and women. It will be like a pajama party! The hostel has lockers to store your things during the day. You can check out the hostel at
Cost: $342 (includes Airfare, metro, lodging, Monuments by Moonlight tour)
For more information, contact Mel Donovan at Registration and payment in full due no later than Monday, February 18. Available seats for this trip are being filled via a lottery system. Notification will take place February 19.