I would like to publicly thank the educators, staff, financial support and advisors at the Community College of Vermont for their wonderful help and support through 10 years of college. I am a person with physical limitations, and the accommodations at Community College of Vermont were always offered to me. The patience of the teachers toward me was commendable. I believed in myself because my teachers believed in me. I’m proud to call my teachers and all faculty at CCV my eternal friends in my heart. I would like to thank VSAC for the grants allowed me for college.
The Vermont Adult Learning Center in Colchester deserves many thanks, too, for endless tutoring and support.
Last, but not least, I would like to thank the State of Vermont, where education is valued and everyone has a chance to succeed with hard work and determination. Thank you for legislation on equal education and fair treatment. Education liberates us and helps us to discern. It is wonderful to give back as much has been given to me. But to give unconditionally and to serve, that is divine.
May God bless human kindness. May God bless CCV.
Sergio Torres
Essex Junction
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thanks to CCV for help toward graduation
In Remembrance: Shamms Mortier
How honored I have been in these last three-plus decades to be in the sacred classroom with you. You have given me more, taught me more, than you will ever know All narratives must eventually reach their final chapter, and this is true for all of us as well. Would that it were not so, I would elect to keep teaching and learning forever; and perhaps that is what happens anyway in the great and enduring mystery to come. I would ask all of you to keep focused upon three things. First, be creative! That means risking doing things that are just out of reach. Push yourself to climb mountains. Second, or maybe first, be compassionate. Realize that extending a helping hand is the heart of humanity, and without heart, no blood flows. Third, be conscious! Wake up! Be aware of your world and your life. I send you much
April 21, 2008
Do you have any favorite memories of Shamms? Did he have an impact on your life? If so, consider sharing your story by submitting a comment to this post.
CCV and TeenFest
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Learning Center Has Moved

As the summer semester begins there are changes to tell you about regarding The Learning Center (TLC). We have moved. We are now in room 204 of the Cherry Street Building. These pictures are a quick glimpse of some of the new space. In addition to the 5 computers in the main room there is also a computer lab.
Starting Tuesday, June 3 you will be able to come by TLC to work with tutors on math, writing, study skills and more. Our summer semester schedule is Tuesdays 1pm – 5pm, Wednesdays 10am – 5pm and Thursdays 1pm – 5pm. Printed schedules will be made available. Our services are free to CCV students and no appointments are needed.
For more information on the services provided by The Learning Center contact Zoe Griffing, The Learning Center Coordinator : griffingz@ccv.edu
CCV in the News
Friday, May 16, 2008
Students Turn To Community Colleges For Cheaper Tuition
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
2008 Faculty Service Awards
On Friday, May 2, Spring ‘08 Burlington instructors gathered for an end-of-semester lunch and the presentation of service awards for faculty. Once a year, the staff takes time to recognize those who have been teaching at CCV for 10 years or 20 years. The luncheon is held in a transformed LL7 space and this year about 45 instructors attended. Instructors receive engraved paperweights (for 10 years) and personalized pens in an attractive wooden case (for 20 years). Yes, we know these gifts aren’t much, but we hope the acknowledgement and our deep appreciation compensates in part for all we ask of faculty (inside and outside of the classroom).
Students, if you see one of these teachers, and if you’re so inclined, please add your thanks to ours.
10-Year Teaching Awards
- Anthe Athas
- Ed Cafferty
- Harvey Ingram
- Gail Salzman
- Evelyn Sikorski
- Laura Wisniewski
20-Year Teaching Awards
- Richard Keane
- Deborah Straw

Monday, May 12, 2008
CCVers Help at Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf
I was really blown away by the community involvement for this amazing cause. In my 3 and 1/2 hours of volunteering on Saturday I saw young people, old people, men, women, grandmothers, and a family with their 3 month and 3 year old sons. No matter what task a person was working on, I saw smiles all around the room. We were all talking, getting to know each other, helping to sort through boxes of food together. The amount of teamwork for a room full of strangers was great to witness.
Not only was it nice to see the community getting involved, but seeing CCV representation was awesome! A fellow student, and employee of the Food Shelf, was present for the afternoon and Linda Henderson, an administrative assistant in the financial aid office came to help out with three of her children. Linda was also able to recruit two friends of her children, making her group a total of 6!
The day itself was impressive, totaling over 17,000 pounds of donated food to help stock the shelves! I'm really excited to continue my volunteer service at the Food Shelf. I think they have an outstanding mission and a wonderful staff to work with.
Friday, May 9, 2008
“This is a great way for high school students to get to know what CCV is all about and see if it’s the right experience for them, especially if they are still deciding about college or would like to get a head start earning college credits,” says Student Resource Advisor Ian Boyd. “
Two sessions of Access Day will be offered. The morning session will take place from 8:45 to 10:45 am, and an afternoon session from noon to 2pm. The sessions are free and refreshments will be served. For more information, call the CCV Burlington office at 865-4422.
CCV Burlington in the News
Monday, May 5, 2008
CCV Students Take Part in a Weekend Service Trip
After settling into the Mark Twain Hostel on Thursday night, students woke up early Friday morning ready to serve at the House of Bread, a soup kitchen in north
to be sent to other nonprofits dedicated to feeding people in need.
The group returned to