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CCV’S Spring Trip to Washington, DC
April 9 – 11, 2010
Join us on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 9-11, on the CCV sponsored a college-wide weekend trip to Washington DC. As a group we will be touring the White House or U.S. Capitol, visiting the Monuments by Moonlight and attending a special event on Saturday evening. Spend the rest of the time as you wish.
When: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 9, 10, and 11, 2010
How: We will fly round trip on Southwest Air out of MANCHESTER, NH. When we arrive we will take the Express Metro service into the capitol were we will go directly to Hostelling International to check in. It is an ideal location for getting around and visiting the sites. That evening we will take the Old Town Trolley Tours Monuments by Moonlight tour.
What time: Friday, April 9, leave at 10:50 AM from MANCHESTER, NH AIRPORT and arrive at BWI at 12:20 PM. On Sunday, April 11, leave BWI at 2:40 PM and return to MANCHESTER AIRPORT at 4:00 PM.
Lodging: We will stay at Hostelling International–Washington, DC. Our rooms will be dormitory style, with shared bathrooms. Separate rooms for men and women. The hostel has lockers to store your things during the day. You can check out the hostel at www.hiwashingtondc.org
Cost: $347
(Includes airfare, lodging, Metro, evening events & White House/Capitol tour)
Please stop by CCV to pick up an application or email Julie Hudson at julie.hudson@ccv.edu for one!
image source: humbertomoreno