Monday, March 29, 2010

Grow With Us: It's Your Move! Week 5

Student Spaces
Here are a few of the many nooks and crannies available for you to get together with your study groups and friends:
  • Room 110 - Community Room: Tables, comfy chairs, beautiful views all located conveniently in this inviting communal space on the first floor.
  • Room 111 - The Quiet Study: Located across from the Community Room on the first floor, this room is perfect for getting your homework done between classes.
  • Room 211C - Work Group Room: Student group workspace.
  • Room 302 - Student Lounge: Vending machines and café tables make this a nice place to take a break.
  • Terrace: Sit outside in the sun on our beautiful terrace located on the 1st floor.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

VSC Board of Trustees selects CCV President!

By unanimous action of the VSC Board of Trustees, Joyce Judy was offered and accepted the position of CCV President on Thursday, March 18th.

According to Chancellor, Tim Donovan, "
By every measure, Joyce rose to the top of a strong national pool of more than 50 candidates. Joyce's command of the issues facing CCV, her vision for its potential, and her strong relationships with CCV faculty, staff and community partners will serve CCV well as its new president."

We are proud to have President Judy at the helm. Congratulations!

Move With Us: It's Your Move! Week 4

Getting There…In Order of Green

Ride your bike

Weather protected bike racks will be available, and Riverside Avenue has a bike path for riders coming from Burlington.

If you live or work within walking distance, this is a great way to stay healthy!

Take the Bus

Essex Jct. and Winooski/Riverside bus routes run right by the building throughout the day until classes end. CCV will sell discounted bus passes to encourage this green transportation alternative. Just $.80 per ride!!
Check out the new CCV RideBoard in the student portal at

Drive (not so green…)
Paid parking is available in the City of Winooski parking garage. Purchase semester-long passes based on your class schedule, at the cost of about $1.00/hour.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Come Support the Arts at CCV!

Monday, April 26 at 7:30 pm

Fundamentals of Jazz Dance Student Performance- Instructor, Karen Amirault

What better way to spend a Monday evening than with great music and very excited dancers showing off their moves? Karen is so encouraging with her beginning students- it’s a joy to see what they accomplish in one semester!

CCV Cherry St., Room LL7


Friday, April 30 at 7:30 pm

Saturday, May 1 at 7:30 pm

The Burlington Community Choir, The Queen City Larks -Directed by Amity Baker

Accompanied by Carolyn Wood

The Burlington Community Choir is stronger than ever with 45 members! Come see them and our small auditioned choir, The Queen City Larks.

This is always an inspirational evening- I promise you’ll want to join the choir even if you’ve never sung a note! Amity’s energy and enthusiasm is infectious!

The First Congregational Church Chapel, 38 So. Winooski Ave. (across from Rite Aid)

Friday, May 7 at 7:00 pm

Student Performances

Guitar I- Instructor, Greg Matses, Acting I- Instructor, Donald Rowe

Greg’s guitar students cover everything from Haydn to Bob Marley- he even coaxes them to sing! Don has a nice large class of 16 this semester so hopefully we’ll see some intense dramatic scenes! It’s always amazing to see the creativity and confidence our students have!

CCV Cherry St., Room LL7

image by

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Grow With Us: It's Your Move!

THE LEARNING CENTER: Winooski’s hub of student academic success!

  • A large, bright space for academic assistance & homework.
  • A room specifically for group project work with access to technology.
  • A small computer lab for assistance with Blackboard, research, & writing.
  • An office for Writing Lab appointments. · An office for instructor-student meetings.
  • Nooks & tables for individual homework, reading, or studying.

Friday, March 12, 2010

You're invited to our Transfer Fair!

All CCV students are invited to attend the upcoming:

Transfer Fair

Tuesday, March 16th 9:30am-noon
Elm Street Office in Montpelier, VT

Meet with transfer representatives from the following partner schools:
  • Burlington College
  • College of St Joseph’s
  • Goddard College
  • Marlboro College
  • Southern Vermont College
  • Springfield College
  • Sterling College
  • University of Vermont
  • Castleton State College
  • Johnson State College
  • Lyndon State College
We have articulation agreements with all of these colleges.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Reflections from Catrina Maxwell, CCV Student

I, Catrina Maxwell, served in the U.S. Air Force as an active duty munitions technician from October 18th 2004 to October 18th 2008. “The Things They Carried” is a short story about soldiers serving during the Vietnam War. After reading the short story “The Things They Carried,” by Tim O’Brien, I was deeply moved and felt compelled to write the following response:

Being in the military can be a lot like being a Martian. There is an intrinsic feeling that you are part of something distant and misunderstood, while everyone else carries on in some other plane of existence that is both fascinated by, and fearful of your presence. Tim O’Brien knows this feeling of alienation well, being a veteran himself. In his short story, “The Things They Carried”, O’Brien gives the reader a glimpse into the great many things that separate us (in the service) from the civilians, the burden of which is remarkable.

His main character, Lt. Jimmy Cross, gives the reader a laundry list of tangible items and their weight. This physical, specified weight is an integral piece in the full picture of the story. The reader must know the load of these things to understand the crushing pain of carrying it. For all of the blood in combat, there is an equal amount of sweat, and the struggle with each is palpable. From the Kevlar of the helmet to the steel toes inside the boots, the bulk is exhausting and extremely limiting, which makes freedom an impossibility. The weight of the things that the men carry on their bodies is both painful and binding.

So too are the emotional encumbrances that they carry. These are perhaps even more
devastating as they are indispensable. The author has given these men additional cargo that cannot be blown apart or thrown away. Kiowa bunkers down in a foxhole with the rest of the men, but his mistrust still presses down on him. Lavender carries on beneath the weight of his paranoia, until the moment a bullet grants him leave. Lt. Cross can burn the pictures of her, but his love for Martha still nags at him, and eventually, turns him into another cog in the stone faced machine. These are not weights that can be left in the dirt; these are weights that are gnarled into the soul.

Catrina is enrolled in Deborah Straw's Introduction to Literature class this spring.

image by Beverly & Pack

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dana Lee Exhibit Tonight!

CCV's very own Coordinator, Dana Lee, will be exhibiting his artwork tonight at the:

Located at 78 Rose Street, Burlington, VT

All are welcome to attend the opening reception from 6-8pm!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Grow With Us: It's your Move! (Week 2)

Winooski Hot Spots!

Wondering where you will get your coffee and food? Just walk to these downtown Winooski hot spots!
  • Val’s Wild Tomato—a one minute walk for coffee, sandwiches, and much more
  • Waf’s Westside Deli—a one minute walk to sandwiches, pizza, and free Wi-Fi
  • The Block Gallery—a four minute walk to coffee, pastries, and a hip gallery
  • Asian Bistro—Asian cuisine including fresh sushi
  • Sneakers Bistro—famous for its breakfast, lunch, and brunch
  • Tiny Thai—great lunch specials
  • Donny’s NY Pizza—Italian and Greek specialties
  • And more!!!

image by c21jrooney

You're Invited: Careers in Healthcare Info Session!

Interested in working in healthcare? Join us to learn more about job opportunities in healthcare, future occupational trends, and the educational pathways at CCV that will help you achieve your goals. In addition, there will be advisors available assist you after the information session.

Careers in Healthcare
Information Session

Friday, March 12th, 2010 10:00 am –11:30 am

Check-in begins at 9:45 am Cherry Street, Room LL7 (lower level), Burlington, VT

Spaces Limited! RSVP soon to or 651-1784

image by Seattle Municipal Archives

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CCV Winooski: A "Green" Building

Your new CCV Winooski site will be a “silver” LEED certified building! What does that mean? It means we will...

· Support Alternative Transportation

· Promote the Use of Renewable Materials &

· Improve Air Quality

· Reduce Water Consumption

· Use Safe Cleaning Products

Monday, March 1, 2010

Student Success Week: Thank you for participating!

Thank you for participating in student success week! We hope you all are entering the mid-point of the semester fully energized and ready to take on your coursework.

Top Responses to Day Four's Question: Who are the primary people in your support system, and why?
  • “Angie Albeck and Rick Leete (two CCV Academic Advisors). I can confide in these people for any help and support (regarding) problems and concerns.” ~R.C.

  • “My friends, some new and old classmates, my family, and my ‘always there to hug and listen’ cat.” ~A.T.
Congratulations to our raffle winners!

image by takomabibelot
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