We would love to have some help so please, if interested, join us! The weather is supposed to be sunny and 77 degrees…perfect garbage collecting temperature! Trash bags will be provided but be sure to dress appropriately.
image by Olof S
· Financial Classes · One-on-one Coaching · Educational Seminars · All FREE!
To SIGN UP call Molly at (802)860-1417 x104
All Chittenden classes are held at 294 North Winooski Avenue!
“Spend Smart” Class—Learn the foundations of good money management in this class. You'll be introduced to the powerful tools of tracking and budgeting and you'll set financial goals you can achieve . We will talk as a group about ways to stretch your dollars further. At the end of the three part series we will present with our helpful guide to community resources in your area.
Evening series:Mondays May 3, 10, & 17 6-8pm
Evening series: Mondays June 14, 21, & 28 6-8pm
“Keys to Credit” Class—This class goes into detail about the important and often confusing world of credit. Learn all the basics and get smart about this issue. You can improve your credit in a variety of ways and we want to help you get started. This is a two-part series.
Evening series:Thursdays May 27 & June 3 , 6-8pm
“Creating a Financial Future” Class—Learn to start building household savings in this class. An emergency fund, a Roth IRA, a Mutual Fund—all of these key concepts of long-terms savings will be explained in detail.
Evening series: Mondays April 5 & 12, 6-8pm (Last chance to sign up)
Daytime series: Tuesdays June 1 & 8, 10am-12pm
“Keys to Credit” Class—This two-part class goes into detail about the important and often confusing world of credit. Learn all the basics and get smart about this issue. You can improve your credit in a variety of ways and we want to help you get started.
Daytime series: Wednesday April 14 & Thursday April 15 , 10am-12pm. At the People's Trust Bank in downtown St Albans.
New Event! Free Credit Report Review Day in St Albans —
We will pull your credit report and credit score for no cost on April 16 from 9:30am-2pm. Call in advance to make an appointment. A credit counselor will talk with you for 20 minutes about ways to improve the score and steps to maintain or rebuild good credit. The event takes place on the 4th floor of the American House on Upper Main St. in St Albans. Call Molly at 802-860-1417 x104 to schedule an appointment.
“Spend Smart” Class—Learn the foundations of good money management in this class. You'll be introduced to the powerful tools of tracking and budgeting and you'll set financial goals you can achieve. We will talk as a group about creative ways to stretch your dollars further. At the end of the three part series we will present our helpful guide to community resources in your area.
Daytime series: Thursdays April 29, May 6, & May 13, 10am-12pm. At VT Dept of Health building on 700 Exchange St. in Middlebury.