Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Prepare for the Blood Drive!
Monday November 1st
From 11am-4pm
In the first floor Lobby @ CCV
Here's a helpful hint for a successful donation:
Eat an Iron enriched Diet that consists of--
*Meat (Red Meat), Fish, and Poultry
*Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Tomato,
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, green and red peppers
*Beans: Lentils and Chickpeas
*Breads & Cereal
* Drink plenty of water and other nutrient bases fluids!
image By ConstructionDealMkting
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
CCV at the VT 3.0 Tech Jam!

Check out the Community College of Vermont at this year’s VT 3.0 Tech Jam! Vermont 3.0 is a FREE exposition that raises awareness and promotes opportunities in the technology field in Vermont. We'll have a booth at the event, so make sure you stop by!
Friday, October 15 10am – 5pm and
Saturday, October 16 10am – 3pm
Main Street Landing building (bottom of College Street, on the waterfront)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
CCV Sponsoring Blood Drive: Sign Up & Win Prizes

Who? Matt Rushford’s A&P II class is organizing the event
What? Blood Drive at CCV
When? Monday, November 1st, 11 am – 4 pm
Where? Sadie White Room, First Floor, CCV Winooski
Why? To save lives, of course!
They will also be in the lobby on Monday, October 18th
Or, you can call Lindsay Sampson at 338-2153 to schedule an appointment.
Did we mention that you could enter a raffle to win a sofa, end table, and lamp from Ashley Furniture?!
We hope to see you there.
Save the Date: Business Ethics Forum
Attention Business and Accounting Students The Community College of Vermont, Winooski Site is proud to sponsor:
Ethics and the Individual: The Business of Professional Growth
Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010 4:00-5:30PM
Room 108b
- Jerry Greenfield, Co-Founder Ben & Jerry’s Homemade
- Liz Robert, CEO Terry Bikes (Former CEO Vermont Teddy Bear)
- Katy Lesser, Owner Healthy Living Market
- Ted Castle, President and Owner Rhino Foods
For further details contact: Rick Leete, Coordinator of Academic Services at 802.654.0522 or Rick.Leete@ccv.edu
image by alexdecarvalho
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Free Credit Workshop!

Maximizing Your Credit: Strategies for Building and Maintaining Good Credit
Learn how to obtain and use credit, and how to maintain a good credit score. Participants will learn about credit reports, credit scores, Web resources, and new changes in credit cards.
Learn how to obtain and use credit, and how to maintain a good credit score. Participants will learn about credit reports, credit scores, Web resources, and new changes in credit cards.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 6:00–7:30 pm
VSAC Resource Center
10 East Allen Street
Winooski, VT
Register today! Enrollment is limited.
• Go online at www.vsac.org/events. Click on “VSAC Resource Center workshops.”
• Or call 800-642-3177 (655-9602 in the Burlington area).
VSAC Resource Center
10 East Allen Street
Winooski, VT
Register today! Enrollment is limited.
• Go online at www.vsac.org/events. Click on “VSAC Resource Center workshops.”
• Or call 800-642-3177 (655-9602 in the Burlington area).
image by Andres Rueda
Nine Notable Community College Grads in the News

Did you know that Jackie Robinson and Tom Hanks graduated from community colleges?
Check out this article that was recently published in the Huffington Post to find out more!
image by Paul Lowry
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Blog Action Day: CCV participates in Source to Sea 2010

On Saturday, October 16th, CCV staff and students led by Laura Rubenis will be meeting up at the Upper Valley site to clean the White River from 9:00am to 12:00pm. You're invited to help!
More about the event from the Connecticut River Watershed Council web site:
"The Connecticut River Watershed Council would love to have you join our staff and hundreds of individuals, clubs, troops, students and businesses along the banks of the Connecticut River for our 14th Annual Source to Sea Cleanup. Last year, despite predictions for heavy rains and thunderstorms, 2,000 people showed up and removed 600 tires and 85 tons of trash. Volunteers give us the feedback that the one-day cleanup is hard work, a ton of fun and a chance to feel that they accomplished something real. Please join us and experience that great feeling for yourself this year!"
Friday, October 1, 2010
Senate Candidate Forum: You're Invited!
Join us for an evening of discussion with Chittenden County State Senate candidates!
Faculty member Michael Ohler is spearheading an educational event to take place here on Tuesday night, October 12 for his Intro to Sociology class.
The forum will run from 7:00 – approx. 8:30 pm. He has invited a panel of local candidates running for Chittenden County State Senate offices in November to participate in a forum. Our very own VSC Chancellor Tim Donovan has agreed to “moderate” the discussion.
The issues on the table will be: Higher Education, Jobs, and Housing
image by Tony the Misfit
Community College Week Essay Contest!

National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) is pleased to announce the third annual Community College Week-NISOD Student Essay Contest in honor of Scott Wright. The winning essay is awarded a total of $3,000+ in prizes to be shared with the student author, the outstanding faculty/staff/administrator featured in the essay, and the student's community college.
Knowing you may want to promote this on your campus, you can download a PDF of the contest flyer and find the essay contest guidelines, entry information, a detailed list of prizes, and the online submission form on our website.
We hope that you will forward the information to other faculty, staff, administrators, and students. We also invite you to post the flyer on your campus. The deadline for the essay submission is November 8, 2010.
If you have any questions, please contact Mia Leggett at (512) 471-4503 or leggettm@mail.utexas.edu.
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