Please save the dates for student and choir performances in the Sadie White room at CCV Winooski!
African & Caribbean Dance & Culture class- Karl Haas, instructor
Monday, April 25 at 7 pm in Sadie White
These dances were wonderful to see last semester, you’ll be inspired- with live drumming!
Fundamentals of Jazz Dance- Karen Amirault, Instructor
Wednesday, April 27 at 4:30 pm in Sadie White
I’ve seen this group in action; they are having a great time and working very hard! They will be performing Karen’s choreography as a group as well as their own original dances.
CCV Community Choir & Queen City Larks - Amity Baker, Director
Friday, April 29 at 7:30 pm in Sadie White
Sat. April 30 at 7:30 pm at the First Congregational Church in Burlington (So. Winooski Ave.)
This is always a treat – there are 40 singers in the big choir and 13 in the auditioned Larks-their voices will lift you up!
Image By Clearly Ambiguous