We have a great line-up of classes! Why not join us in June? Also, come check your credit score for FREE with the added bonus of having a Growing Money coach review your report with you to make recommendations.
Please call Libby at (802) 860-1417 x104.
Growing Money Class Descriptions:
“Spend Smart”- Learn the foundations of good money management. We Introduce the powerful tools of tracking and budgeting and help you set financial goals you can achieve. We talk as a group about creative ways to stretch your dollars further. At the end of the three part series we present our helpful guide to community resources in your area.
"Keys to Credit"- This class goes into detail about the important and often confusing world of credit. Learn all the basics and get smarter about this issue. You can improve your credit in a variety of ways and we want to help you get started.
"Creating a Financial Future"- In this class, we discuss long term savings and investing in detail. If you have basic money management under control and want to take charge of your finances for the future, this class is for you. We define the terms mutual fund, Roth IRA, and APY among many other items. To begin building wealth over a lifetime, this class is a great step.
Days and Times of Upcoming Classes:
Spend Smart:
Tuesdays, June 14, 21 & 28, 10am-12pm at 294 N Winooski Ave. Burlington
Keys to Credit:
Thursday Evenings, June 23 & 30, 6pm-8pm at 294 N Winooski Ave. Burlington
Creating a Financial Future:
Wednesday Evenings, June 8 & 15, 6pm-8pm at 294 N Winooski Ave. Burlington
Tuesdays, June 21 & 28, 10am-12pm at 279 N Winooski Ave. Burlington
image by sushi♥ina