"We are excited about Tim's selection and believe that he brings exceptional abilities to lead our state college system in delivering affordable, high quality, student centered and accessible education fully integrating professional, liberal, and career study,” Moore said.
“Our five state colleges are key drivers of Vermont’s economy and also serve as cultural centers for the regions in which they are located. In addition, the VSC serves Vermont and Vermonters through the Small Business Development Center, the Vermont Manufacturing Extension Center and Vermont Interactive Television.” Moore added, “Donovan brings outstanding strategic thinking, fiscal management and an energetic, collaborative leadership style to which will help us fulfill our mission.”
Vermont’s state colleges enroll more than 12,000 students and employ 2,200 faculty and staff statewide.
Vermont’s state colleges enroll more than 12,000 students and employ 2,200 faculty and staff statewide.
Board Vice-Chair Richard Marron of Stowe chaired the search team which included six trustees and thirteen representatives from the five colleges. The search team referred three finalists on to the Board of Trustees.
The Board selected Donovan by public vote on Thursday and Donovan formally accepted the position this weekend.
The Chancellor is the chief executive officer of the Vermont State Colleges and serves as the chief spokesperson for the five colleges with the Board of Trustees, the governor, state agencies, and the General Assembly.
Donovan, 57, will become the 7th Chancellor of the state colleges system created in 1963. He rose through the ranks of the state colleges system, becoming president of CCV in 2001.
His accomplishments there include expansion of CCV’s collaborative partnerships with high schools, development of extensive distance learning programs, improvement and ownership of several CCV facilities, including the 65,000 square foot flagship facility currently under construction in Winooski and the recent purchase of the former Woodbury College campus on Elm Street in Montpelier. Enrollment at CCV has grown more than 40% during Donovan’s tenure as president.
His accomplishments there include expansion of CCV’s collaborative partnerships with high schools, development of extensive distance learning programs, improvement and ownership of several CCV facilities, including the 65,000 square foot flagship facility currently under construction in Winooski and the recent purchase of the former Woodbury College campus on Elm Street in Montpelier. Enrollment at CCV has grown more than 40% during Donovan’s tenure as president.
While administrative dean for CCV, Donovan led the VSC’s strategic technology planning initiative, which introduced a new integrated administrative information system for the colleges. He is known as a leader in the adoption of technology for academic and administrative uses in the VSC.
Longtime residents of Montpelier, Donovan and his spouse Mary Tharp have two grown children.
Donovan begins the position on July 1st, succeeding Robert G. Clarke who announced last year that he would retire from the office in June 2009 following a twenty-five year VSC career as President of Vermont Technical College and Chancellor of the Vermont State Colleges.
Vermont's state colleges include Castleton State College, Community College of Vermont, Johnson State College, Lyndon State College and Vermont Technical College. The Office of the Chancellor is in Stanley Hall, in the State Offices Complex in Waterbury.
Vermont's state colleges include Castleton State College, Community College of Vermont, Johnson State College, Lyndon State College and Vermont Technical College. The Office of the Chancellor is in Stanley Hall, in the State Offices Complex in Waterbury.
Additional Media Coverage:
Donovan to head Vermont State Colleges from the Burlington Free Press (3/16/09)
Tim Donovan to be new chancellor of Vermont State Colleges from the Rutland Herald
Community College head new chief of state system from Associated Press (c/o Fox 44 News)
Community College head new chief of state system from VPR News
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