Friday, December 17, 2010
Information about Organ Donation from Donate Life Vermont

It’s the holidays! People’s minds turn to shopping, giving gifts, and of course…$aving. There are many ways to save during the holidays. You can save time by shopping online. You can save money by clipping coupons. But there’s one way to give a great gift…and save BIG! Register to become a Vermont organ and tissue donor.
Currently, Vermont only has 612 registered organ and tissue donors, which is less than .001% of our state’s population. Most people have a misunderstanding of the facts centered on organ and tissue donation. Let’s clarify a few. 10 Facts on Organ and Tissue Donation
- Currently, there are over 100,000 people on the waiting list for an organ transplant.
- Every 14 minutes, a new name is added to the list.
- An average of 17 Americans dies every day due to a lack of transplantable organs.
- One organ and tissue donor can help save or enhance the lives of up to 50 people.
- Over 500,000 people each year benefit from some form of organ and tissue transplantation.
- There are no age limits on the ability to donate organs.
- All major religions support donation as an act of love and charity.
- Organ donation is not an option until all lifesaving efforts have failed and death has been determined. The medical team treating patients is completely separate from the transplant team.
- The donor’s family is never responsible for any costs relating to donation
- Vermont has a new online registry (www.DonateLifeVermont.org) where Vermont residents can consent to organ and tissue donation. Become an organ & tissue donor today! It’s the greatest gift you could give this holiday season.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Career Readiness Certificate starts January 18th!

A new Career Readiness Certificate course will start on Jan 18 and run until March 24, from 11:45-2:45 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Program DescriptionParticipants are assessed to determine their individual needs for skill building. The skill modules listed below may vary in content and sequence according to those individual needs, and describe sample topics only.
Students will learn and practice:
- Module 1- Applied Mathematics: the use of calculators, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, proportions, perimeters, surface areas, and more.
- Module 2- Reading for Information: identifying the main ideas, understanding and applying instructions, and comprehending important details.
- Module 3- Locating Information: reading charts and graphs, identifying trends, interpreting data and drawing conclusions.
- Module 4- Teamwork & Interpersonal Skills: listening and speaking, debating ideas, working on a team, and dealing with conflict.
- Module 5- Work Ethic, Learning & Life Skills: time and project management, learning to learn, punctuality and attendance, setting goals and priorities.
- Module 6- Basic Computer Skills: introduction to computers, simple applications, email basics and the use of the internet.
Read more about the Career Readiness Certificate in an article on WorkKeys and the National Career Readiness Certificate Help Meet Vermont Employers’ Needs for Skilled Workers.
View the Career Readiness blog
For more information on how to apply, please contact Mica DeAngelis at 802-654-0507 or Mica.DeAngelis@ccv.edu
Monday, December 13, 2010
An Open Reading to benefit Bradley Noth
CCV Travel Writing class will be sponsoring an open reading on Wednesday December 15th, 7PM at the Moose Lodge 30 West Canal St. in
All writers of poetry, essays, fiction and non-fiction are invited to attend and read their work. Those who would just like to listen are encouraged to come as well. There is no admission charge, but donations to help defer Bradley's medical costs will be accepted. Refreshments will be served.
For those who don't know, Bradley was seriously injured in a car accident a couple of weeks ago. Please join us in our support.
image by j.greshamTuesday, December 7, 2010
Free Growing Money Seminars in Burlington
Please call Molly or Libby at 802-860-1417 x104 to enroll
Chittenden Classes
Evening Spend Smart: Tuesdays November 23, 30 & Dec 7, 6-8pm at 294 N Winooski Ave in Burlington
“Spend Smart” Class—Learn the foundations of good money management in this class. You'll be introduced to the powerful tools of tracking and budgeting and you'll set financial goals you can achieve. We will talk as a group about creative ways to stretch your dollars further. At the end of the three part series we will present our helpful guide to community resources in your area.
ALSO AVAILABLE: Daytime Spend Smart in Burlington:
Mondays December 6, 13, & 20, 10am-12pm
Stay tuned for more news from Growing Money soon!
Letters from Lisa J.: Tax Scam Alert
As we are getting closer to tax season and people are thinking about getting tax refund advances, I wanted to share this recent email. Stay tuned for information next month on how income eligible Vermonters can get their taxes done for free!
An alert was issued today which advised that a recent e-mail phishing scam has been identified asking taxpayers to complete an online application for a new refund. The e-mail contains an embedded link that will request personal identifiable information from the taxpayer. If your partners ask you about this, please remind them that the IRS does not ask for personal identifying or financial information in unsolicited electronic mail (e-mail), telephone calls, or postal mail. If they want more information, refer them to the irs.gov website, keyword "Phishing". Below is a sample of what taxpayers are receiving:
From: Internal Revenue Service taxes@irs.gov
To: Taxpayer
Subject: Your Tax Application Has Been Rejected
In order to apply for a new tax refund, please download the new form for tax-refund applications, open it, complete it and send it to: (embedded link)
image by JD Hancock